Addressing Common Team & Project Issues

This guide provides solutions to common issues users encounter while using Wethos AI for team management and project collaboration.


My Team Issues

1. Team Members Not Appearing:

  • Solution:
    • Verify Membership: Double-check that team members have been added to your team within Wethos AI and that their license is up to date. 
    • Assessment Completion: Ensure all team members have completed their Wethos assessment. This step is crucial for generating accurate cognitive diversity scores and team insights.
      • To check the status of team members: reference step 8 here.

2. Kinetic View Not Loading:

  • Solution:
    • Refresh Page: Try refreshing your browser page. This often resolves temporary loading errors.
    • Contact Support: If the issue persists, contact Wethos support for assistance. They can investigate any underlying technical problems.

3. Cognitive Diversity Score Not Calculating:

  • Solution:
    • Assessment Completion: Make sure all team members have completed their Wethos assessments and have been added to the correct team. The score requires data from each individual's assessment.
      Screen Shot 2024-05-20 at 7.09.55 PM
      • To check if members have completed their assessments and areon the right team, reference step 8 here. Then you can manage teams to see who is on what team (as shown to the right).
    • Contact Support: If all assessments are complete, members are on the correct teams and the score still doesn't appear, reach out to Wethos support for further troubleshooting.


Project Team Issues

1. Unable to Create a Project Team:

  • Solution:
    • Permission Check: Verify that you have the necessary permissions to create project teams within your organization. Admins or team leads usually have this authority.
    • Contact Support: If you have the correct permissions and still can't create a project team, contact Wethos support for assistance.

2. Unable to Add Members to a Project Team:

  • Solution:
    • Organization Check: Ensure that the team members you want to add are part of your organization in Wethos.
    • Assessment Completion: Confirm that the team members have completed their Wethos assessments.

3. Project Team Details Not Loading:

  • Solution:
    • Refresh Page: Start by refreshing the page. This can resolve temporary loading errors.
    • Contact Support: If the problem persists, contact Wethos support for assistance.


Recommend Team Issues

1. Feature Not Available:

  • Solution:
    • Leader License: Ensure you have a Leader license to access the Recommend Team feature. This license tier grants access to advanced functionalities like team recommendations.

2. Recommendations Not Generating:

  • Solution:
    • Project Details: Ensure you have provided all necessary project details and team needs. This information is crucial for generating relevant recommendations.
    • Contact Support: If the recommendations still don't appear, contact Wethos support for assistance.


Working Together Issues

1. Teammate Not Found:

  • Solution:
    • Username Check: Double-check that you have entered the correct teammate's username. Typos can cause search issues.

2. Collaboration Dynamics Not Loading:

  • Solution:
    • Refresh Page: Begin by refreshing the page. This can resolve temporary loading errors.
    • Contact Support: If the problem persists, contact Wethos support for assistance.

3. AI-Generated Task List Not Loading:

  • Solution:
    • Scenario Details: Ensure you have provided a specific project or task scenario for the AI to understand the context and generate a relevant task list.
    • Contact Support: If the task list doesn't appear after providing specific details, contact Wethos support for help.

Important Note: This troubleshooting guide is intended for general guidance. For more specific and personalized assistance, please reach out to Wethos support directly. They are available to help resolve complex issues and provide tailored solutions for your team and project needs.