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Enterprise Solutions

Wethos AI is tailored to meet the sophisticated demands of larger organizations.

Leadership Dashboard: Deep Analytics and Insights

Dynamic Team Assembly Leveraging AI, Wethos AI dynamically assembles project teams based on Wethos Styles and past performance data, optimizing team composition for specific projects and goals within the enterprise.
Workforce Analytics Insights This feature provides leaders with predictive analytics on employee engagement and potential burnout, allowing preemptive interventions to maintain workforce efficiency and satisfaction.
Wethos Copilot™ Decision Support Enhanced by AI, Wethos Copilot™ offers real-time decision support, providing leaders (and direct reports) with immediate insights to be more effective and productive.

Advanced Customization & Operational Efficiency

Integration Capabilities Wethos AI offers extensive API support, allowing seamless integration with existing enterprise systems such as Slack and Google Calendar, ensuring that all team insights and analytics are easily accessible within the enterprise ecosystem.
Cross-Departmental Collaboration Enhance communication and integration across departments to foster a unified organizational culture.
Change Management Manage organizational changes more effectively by anticipating employee responses based on their Wethos Styles.

Strategic Workforce Applications

Strategic Workforce Planning Align employee behavioral strengths with long-term business objectives through Wethos Styles for optimal workforce planning.
Leadership Succession Planning Identify potential leaders whose behavioral profiles best match the position and complement the existing team's behaviors using Wethos Styles. (There are no leader lines or leader "profiles"!)
Global Talent Management Manage global teams by understanding cultural and individual behavioral differences through Wethos Styles, enhancing global team cohesion and productivity.