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The Science of High Performing Teams

The Future of Work in an AI World: Embrace Internal Gig Dynamics

Unlock the Secrets to Building Agile and Adaptive Teams

In this report we coin the term "Internal Gig Dynamics" which is a model where employees move between projects or "internal gigs" based on their skills instead of fixed roles. It creates a flexible, cross-functional workforce by assembling diverse teams for specific projects rather than static long-term roles.

In an era marked by rapid technological advancements, Wethos AI is at the forefront of transforming the way organizations operate. Our latest report looks into the future of work, highlighting the importance of upskilling team leads and people managers to create more efficient and dynamic internal teams.

Executive Summary

Our comprehensive report explores the evolving workforce dynamics influenced by AI and automation. By examining historical patterns of workforce transformation, we present actionable strategies for building a dynamic and resilient workforce. Key highlights include the integration of internal gig dynamics, the critical importance of soft skills, and the shift towards impact-based metrics. This report is a must-read for leaders looking to harness the power of innovation and drive organizational success in the AI era.


Key Insights

Embrace Internal Gig Dynamics
Embrace Internal Gig Dynamics

Adopting the fluid, project-based model of the gig economy within your organization can significantly enhance adaptability and cross-functional collaboration. This approach allows employees to contribute their unique skills across multiple initiatives, driving innovation and engagement.

Invest in Soft Skills Development
Invest in Soft Skills Development

As automation takes over routine tasks, the focus must shift to upskilling employees in critical thinking, communication, and teamwork. Comprehensive skills gap analyses and targeted upskilling programs are essential to prepare your workforce for future challenges.

Prioritize Impact-Based Metrics
Prioritize Impact-Based Metrics

Transitioning to outcome-driven performance evaluations aligns employee efforts with strategic goals. Establishing innovation hubs and fostering a culture of experimentation encourages calculated risk-taking, driving resilience and maintaining a competitive edge.

Frequently Asked Questions

Future of Work FAQs

Explore our FAQ section to gain insights into the future of work. Learn how emerging technologies are transforming job roles, office environments, and the essential skills needed to thrive in a dynamically changing workforce. Discover what jobs will look like in 12 or 24 months, and address your concerns about automation and the digital economy. Dive into these topics to prepare for tomorrow's workplace today.

What are Internal Gig Dynamics? "Internal Gig Dynamics" refers to an organizational model that embraces a fluid, project-based workforce structure within a company. It draws inspiration from the external gig economy but applies the same principles internally. Under this model:

  • Employees are not confined to fixed roles or job descriptions. Instead, they contribute their skills and expertise to various projects or "gigs" based on the current needs and their unique strengths.
  • Projects have clearly defined goals and timelines, often shorter in duration compared to traditional long-term roles.
  • Teams are assembled dynamically by bringing together employees with the relevant skills required for each specific project, fostering cross-functional collaboration and diversity of thought.
  • Employees have more autonomy to choose projects that align with their interests and career aspirations, enhancing engagement and continuous learning.

The internal gig dynamics model promotes organizational agility, allowing companies to rapidly adapt to changing market conditions, new opportunities, and evolving technological landscapes by tapping into their internal talent pool efficiently. It moves away from rigid hierarchies towards a more flexible and innovative work environment.
What is the conversation surrounding the future of work? The future of work refers to how advanced technologies, like AI and automation, are reshaping the workforce, changing job roles, and influencing how businesses operate. This evolving landscape focuses on integrating new technological tools, adapting workplace strategies, and emphasizing continuous learning and soft skills to prepare for dynamic, ever-changing work environments.
How will work change in the future? Work in the future will be heavily influenced by AI and automation, which will automate routine tasks and shift the workforce towards more strategic, complex, and creative endeavors. There will be a greater emphasis on soft skills such as critical thinking, adaptability, and communication. Work structures will also evolve, with gig and remote work becoming more prevalent, leading to more fluid and flexible job roles.
What will the office environment look like in 2030? By 2030, offices will likely be hybrid environments that blend physical and digital workspaces. They will be equipped with advanced technology for seamless remote collaboration. Offices will be more adaptable and employee-centric, featuring spaces for both collaborative projects and individual tasks that require focus. The integration of green technology and sustainable practices will also play a critical role in office design.
What are the biggest concerns about the future of work? Major concerns about the future of work include the potential widening of the skills gap as jobs evolve faster than educational and training programs can adapt. There is also anxiety about job displacement due to automation, the challenges of maintaining work-life balance with the rise of remote and always-on work cultures, and ensuring equitable access to opportunities in a more digitized job market.
What jobs will be gone by 2030? Jobs that involve repetitive, predictable tasks are most likely to be automated by 2030. This includes roles like telemarketers, tax preparers, routine customer service agents, and roles in manufacturing and warehousing that involve simple, repetitive manual tasks. However, these changes are expected to also create new job categories that focus more on human interaction, strategy, and innovation.
What jobs will exist in 2050? By 2050, we can expect to see jobs that heavily involve interaction with AI, advanced robotics, and digital ecosystems. New roles might include AI Trainer, who ensures AI systems operate correctly and ethically; Virtual Reality Experience Designer; and Digital Currency Advisor. Jobs will likely focus more on managing relationships between humans and machines, designing personalized experiences, and in fields addressing the challenges posed by climate change and sustainability.

Download the Full Report Now – Sponsored by Wethos AI

Wethos AI is a dynamic AI-driven platform that revolutionizes team dynamics and performance by harnessing the power of behavioral science and data analytics. Known for its distinctive Wethos Style assessment, the platform offers tailored insights into workplace behaviors, enabling organizations to optimize team compositions and enhance productivity. Wethos AI's tools and features, including its AI model Wethos Copilot, empower businesses to foster better collaboration, increase employee engagement, and reduce turnover costs, making it an essential resource for companies aiming to thrive in a complex, ever-evolving work environment.

